? Guessing. There are some obscure makes, CROSLEY. KING MIDGET. but I will go with:
There was a man in boston,
who bought himself an Austin.
There was room for for his ***
and a gallon of gas,
But his ***** hung out
And he lost one
how many of you enjoy car projects?
we do one for the parade most every year.
this year was a bust but the project is done and ready for next july.
? Guessing. There are some obscure makes, CROSLEY. KING MIDGET. but I will go with:
There was a man in boston,
who bought himself an Austin.
There was room for for his ***
and a gallon of gas,
But his ***** hung out
And he lost one
russia's reason for banning jehovah's witnesses is said to be due to extremism.
but what exactly does that mean, or refer to?
specifically, what practice (or practices) of jehovah's witnesses does russia consider to be extreme?
Not Russian orthodox is the biggest. The being us based, the non participation in flag, military, blood would play into it. And shunning. Was there miney laundering?
As noted, Mormons, scientologists and others also made the list
or..as i remember the title..circuit servants wives.
but then i left 40+ years ago.. any recollections of those females that led such an unnatural existence?.
those that i recall seemed such aloof creatures..
I went for a girl who could lift something else. I did notice her level head and commitment to family. Still have her
just heard this thing.
fake little kid song.
comments were how sweet, cute etc.
Just heard this thing. Fake little kid song. Comments were how sweet, cute etc. Mi thought was how appalling.
my recollection of cos were they may have been very low paid almost volunteers..but they werent poor.
most appeared well dressed.
i knew a few..and they were well connected with wealthy famlies.
I have seen some that came from families that lived on charity. a few had money. The smart ones worked on the side and put away the green handshakes
editor's note: found this on reddit...thought the meat of the post would be a good post for discussion here as well.. consider the three choices god forced upon david for taking a census.
these three choices were forced on king david, not for murdering people, not for raping women, not for lying, stealing, or any crime we can think of in our modern world that is repugnant, but simply for taking a census or in other words, counting people.. for counting people, jehovah forced a decision on david that involved the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.. the choices all dealt with the “way” jehovah would kill thousands of unsuspecting loyal worshipers.. 1 chronicles 21.
“these are the choices the lord has given you.
Think of the wives he could then take under his wing (ding).
Given the usual liberties taken with numbers, actually a dozen or so related people fell from some virus and it was expanded
or..as i remember the title..circuit servants wives.
but then i left 40+ years ago.. any recollections of those females that led such an unnatural existence?.
those that i recall seemed such aloof creatures..
I remember Moore. A very human down to earth person as I recall. Lived in a camper behind the hall. But I wasnt pimo then either so memories would be different.
The wives are all from the same mold; nicely dressed, unassuming hair do, practical shoes. No fault in that. A couple were just plain gorgeous enough to turn your head
We had one who would read and study during the talks.
https://youtu.be/dxcnaayw20c .
. It us is too long to watch. i oicked up a tidbit in the middle: "Bible is the textbook" 🙄 let the scoffing begin
*** update 2020/11/21 ****.
hello people,.
some time ago i made my first on this forum after i have just woken up.. i was very scared and honestly i am still amazed from the fact that i am still getting replies in the old thread.. here is the link to my previous thread: link.
Single elder hitting on you? That is not what he said but throw that back at them if need be.
Sometimes parents actually sitting in on a committee matter wakes them up. They will claim you are past the ( non bible based) age of 18. They may not allow dad either since he is not a brother.
The controls are well documented so any judge can recognize the weaseling they are trying.
Big question if the rank and file can see it